Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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February 2003 Newsletter

January 6, 2003 minutes

President Michele called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Michele, Eldon, Kari, Steve, and Ana. The December minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Michele gave the treasurer's report in Vicki's absence.

Old Business:

Humboldt, NE T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the T-shirt fundraiser hasn't had any activity since the last meeting. He placed a classad in the paper informing people that the shirts were still available but no response yet. His plan is to sell these at upcoming events. There are 17 shirts left for sale. The profit on this project to date after all advertising expenses is $55.73. Eldon explained that the P&L that was in the last newsletter for a $439.64 expense on the T-shirts included both the Humboldt Jaycee and Humboldt Nebraska T-shirts ordered last year. This project was profitable.

Insurance Policy- Eldon reported that there was no update from Ron Kostecka on the insurance policy quote yet. It was discussed that just purchasing the individual policy for events like the Tractor Pull was probably best.

Bingo- Eldon said that a chairperson needs to volunteer and take control of this project. He doesn't have the time to take care of the Bingo project. We decided to shoot for starting this project next November. Plenty of time for someone to start preparations. Here's what the chair will need to do: 1. Get the gaming license; 2. Ask the Fire Department if we can use their supplies; 3. Find a location; 4. Have a sign-up sheets for members to take turns working.

Snowman Contest- There was still no sign of snow at the time of the January meeting. We decided to discuss this project one more time this year at the February meeting. Suggested prizes for the winners of the contest were: 1st prize- $20, 2nd prize- $10, 3rd prize- $5, all in Humboldt Bucks.

Board of Directors Meeting- The Board of Directors met on Sunday, January 5. Attending were Michele, Eldon and Crys. First item of business was to put together the 2003 Chapter Plan. A few projects were dropped this year and a few new ones added. Other business was that Eldon briefly discussed how to submit award nominations for convention. The board also decided that each board member would be allowed $60.00 for hotel expenses at convention and the member would pay their own registration fee.

Jaycee Week- Eldon-chair National Jaycee Week is during the week of January 19-25. It was decided at the previous meeting to do a Chamber Coffee and a fun night during the week. A Chamber Coffee was scheduled for Friday, January 24 at the Community Action Center. Members were requested to donate cookies for the event. It was also requested that members

Prospective New Members- No new members were signed up this month but several names were discussed who still need to be contacted about joining. Our membership currently stands at 30, which is our ACS.

New Business

Super Shooters- Eldon- chair The 2003 Super Shooters Competition will be held on Saturday, February 1 at the Humboldt School gym. Setup will begin at 10:00 a.m., registration 11:00 a.m. and competition 11:30 a.m. Eldon requested that at least four people attend to help. This event is very easy to help with, attend if you can, an easy way to get $$ off of next year's dues.

Tractor Pull- David-chair Since David wasn't present at the meeting, no dates were finalized for the Tractor Pull. Friday, June 27 seemed to be the best of the dates that were open for the NWMTPA, but we need to confirm. Michele also mentioned that she was trying to get the land behind Humboldt Specialty to use for the Pull this year.

Holiday Flags- A Holiday Flag schedule was passed out. We have March, June and December to put the flags up around town. There's no dates in March, June we have Flag Day, and December- Pearl Harbor Day.

Pancake Feed- Michele- chair The Pancake Feed will be held on Sunday, February 23 at the Humboldt Fire Hall. We will serve from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. If the Fire Hall is available on Saturday night, Michele wants to set up tables so that we won't have as much work to do on Sunday morning before the rush comes in.

Convention/Award Submissions- Eldon mentioned that Convention would be February 7-9 in Lincoln and that the award submission forms needed to be turned in for state, region and district. He would deliver them at L.O.T.S. He said that any member can nominate, and encouraged everyone to nominate our outstanding chapter for awards.

With no other business, Michele led us in reciting the Jaycee Creed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell