Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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January 2003 Newsletter

December 8, 2002 minutes

The Humboldt Area Jaycees held their Annual Christmas Party and December Monthly Meeting at Eldon's home on Sunday night, December 8, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. After dinner, a brief business meeting was held. The following members were present: Eldon, Crys, Kari, Jay, and Kris. Eldon called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The November minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Eldon gave the treasurer's report in Vicki's absence. He also handed out a P&L for 2002 that Vicki put together.

Old Business:

Humboldt, NE T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the T-shirt fundraiser went very well. There were 19 shirts that were sold in the pre-orders. A total of 36 shirts were ordered so there are 17 shirts still available for sale. Available are M- 2, L- 4, XL- 9, and XXL- 2.

Insurance Policy- Ron Kostekca at the State Bank of Table Rock has been contacted about insurance. He is checking with several different companies to see what policy would suit us best. Separate policy per event (such as the Tractor Pull) may still be the best way to go.

Bingo- David had learned from the Fire Department that a license is needed when they run Bingo. We will need to find out how much a license will cost. Also, the Legion Club still owns the light up boards. We should contact them to see if we can use them when we get this project going.

Bowling Fun Night- The night scheduled for this event had too many conflicts. The only people attending were Eldon, DD Brian Nichols, and Auburn Jaycee Ann Brugger. The three decided since there were only three to go to Sac 'n' Fox Casino rather than bowling. If we schedule another Bowling Night in January, we need to all check our schedules before scheduling it to avoid conflicts.

Auburn Jaycees Meeting Chapter Visitation- Eldon reported on visiting the Auburn Jaycees meeting in November. He discussed different ways they run their meetings and different projects they were running right now. He also passed out a copy of their agenda that they used at their meeting. It's good to attend other chapter meetings just to see how they run things. Other meeting visitations will be scheduled in the future.

Region Meeting- The 3rd Triad Region Meeting was held in Auburn on November 30th. Eldon attended this meeting and reported on the training that former Auburn President Peggy Palmerton presented. Her training revolved around being a positive team player, showing members respect, and helping to add humor to meetings and projects. Upcoming events discussed at the Region meeting were L.O.T.S. in Kearney (Jan. 17-19) and Year End Convention in Lincoln (Feb. 7-9).

Snowman Contest- The Snowman Contest was discussed again. Eldon just briefly discussed that this event could take place in the city park for kids to compete in teams (2 or 3 kids per team). We would need to set a date and decide on prizes. Sometime in February may be the best time, a better chance for snow.

Fruit Basket For Nursing Home/Housing- Vicki-chair Vicki delivered the fruit baskets both to Colonial Acres Nursing Home and the Housing for the Christmas holidays. This is a great community service project for our group to conduct. The total expenses were $63.00.

Prospective New Members- A few names were discussed of people that should be asked to join the Jaycees. Our membership is at 30, let's keep growing everyone. Ask someone to join.

New Business

Board of Directors Meeting- Eldon suggested that the January Board of Directors meeting be held on Sunday, January 5th. He would contact Michele to finalize a date and a time that she wants this meeting to set up the chapter plan for 2003.

Jaycee Week Celebration- Eldon- chair: Jaycee Week is nationally celebrated during the week of January 19-25. Eldon suggested that the Humboldt Area Jaycees sponsor a Chamber Coffee during this week. Friday, January 24 was the day chosen during the week. The time will be announced at the January meeting. Eldon said he would have Jaycee brochures available to hand out to people to have more information about the Jaycees available to people. All members are requested to help provide cookies for the Coffee. Everyone is requested to wear their red Humboldt Jaycee t-shirt during the day to show their pride of being a Humboldt Jaycee. It was also decided to end the day with a evening social. More details at the next meeting on the social.

Jay & Kris Snethen Honored- Jay and Kris Snethen were invited to this party and meeting so that we could present them with a plaque. Everyone agreed it takes hard work, dedication and determination to get things done and no one has filled this role better than Jay and Kris. The plaque read: "In Appreciation To Jay & Kris Snethen: Thank You For All Your Years Of Dedication and Service to the Humboldt Area Jaycees. We Appreciate Your Loyalty and Friendship".

With no other business, Jay led us in reciting the Jaycee Creed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell