Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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July 2002 Newsletter

June 3, 2002 minutes

President David called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with the following members present: David, Eldon, Michele, Matt, Steve, and Aaron. Our DD, Brian Nichols and RD, Jeff Domino, were guests. The May minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Eldon gave the treasurer's report in Vicki's absense.

Old Business:

Tractor Pull/ATV Pull- David- chair: Plans continued for the Tractor Pull and ATV Pull. We will be borrowing a P.A. system from the Auburn Jaycees, a tent has been rented from the HVFD, and bleechers will be used from the Ag Society. The Green Acres flier has been printed and will be distributed. We just need to find some more lights, so far we only have three lights for the event. Eldon and Michele are still looking for volunteers to work in the concession stand. The week of July 1 will be spent setting up the track, hauling bleechers, building fence, etc. Anyone with free time that week, contact David. The Tractor Pull is Friday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. and the ATV Pull is Friday, July 6 at 6:30 p.m.

Moonlight Golf- Michele-chair: The Moonlight Golf dates were discussed: Saturday, May 25 and Saturday, June 22. We will need a chair for the June 22 event, so if you want to chair, let us know at the next meeting. Set-up is 7:30 p.m. at the golf course.

July 4th Events: We will be running the following events on July 4th: Mud Volleyball (Sus- chair) and Kid's Games (Crys- chair). If you want to help with either of these events contact the chairperson.

Fireworks Stand: Eldon- chair: All plans for the Fireworks Stand were finalized. The stand is going to be held in Eldon's garage from June 25-July 4. Eldon passed out a sheet for everyone to sign up for a shift. Several shifts still need to be covered, especially July 4th. Call Eldon to sign up for a shift a.s.a.p.

New Business

Website- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that he had started working on a website for the Humboldt Jaycees. The URL for the site is http://humboldtjaycees. Eldon asked everyone to look at the site and give him any suggestions or ideas of what should be included on the site.

State Convention-
Eldon and Michele both reported on attending State Convention in Lincoln June 1-3. They both stated that they attended several training sessions at convention and hopefully learned a lot of new things that will help the Humboldt Jaycees.

DD Brian Nichols/RD Jeff Domino Presentation: Brian Nichols and Jeff Domino were both present at the meeting. Their main purpose was to talk about the Humboldt Jaycees submitting awards for the state convention. The Humboldt Jaycees received no awards because none were submitted. This is the responsibility of the officers to get awards submitted for outstanding performers in our organization and for outstanding projects for each triad. The next convention is in September, so everyone needs to think about awards we need to submit for the second triad. Jeff and Brian said they would help us in the submitting process if we need it. They also discussed Humboldt hosting L.O.T.S. (Officer Training) Region Meeting. Eldon said he would chair the event. This will take place at the Community Action Center on Saturday, August 24 from 2-5 p.m. This session is for all officers to get the training that they need to better serve the Jaycees and to learn more about the office they are holding. Anyone considering a officer position in the next year or two should attend as well. It's a good way to learn more about the Jaycees. More details will be available later on this event.

T-Shirts: The last item discussed was getting T-shirts made that say "Humboldt Area Jaycees". Michele and Eldon thought it would be a good idea since we currently have no shirts, that we look into getting some. Eldon said he would get a price quote on getting shirts made and report on it at the next meeting.

With no other business, David adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell