Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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July 2003 Newsletter

June 2, 2003 minutes

President Michele called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the following members present: Michele, Eldon, Vicki, Steve, Kari, Tim, Crys, and Danny. The May minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Kari made a motion to accept the minutes and Vicki made the second. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business:

Insurance Policy- Vicki has signed the contract for the 2003-04 insurance policy. This policy will cost $2,729.00. We will make arrangements to pay for it after the Tractor Pull and Fireworks Stand sales are complete.

Tractor Pull- David- chair: Vicki reported that a total of $1,895.00 donations had been received to date. They are down a bit from last year. Other plans for the Pull were that we would be getting a reefer again from Pawnee Transfer for the Concession Stand. This year we would serve Sloppy Joes rather than Beef Burger for the sandwiches. We decided to start with setup on June 22nd and work everynight until the Pull is completely setup.

Car Show- Chris- chair: We decided to cancel the Car Show for this year since Chris has moved to Missouri and none of our members want to either chair or co-chair the event. These are money making events so if someone is interested in chairing an event like this they need to contact us by the next meeting.

Curb Painting- Curb Painting will be done on Tuesday, August 12th. We will be charging $5.00 per curb, not $5.00 per letter as misprinted in last month's newsletter. We will start this project at 6 p.m. More details at the July meeting.

Holiday Flags- Members were reminded that June is our month to put the flags up on Holidays. Flag Day, June 14th, was the only date set for June. Eldon and Vicki volunteered to help David on this date.

Renewals/New Members: Michele reported that the following members were due in June: Terry Gilbert, Crys Lippold, Andrea Streit, and Aaron and Sus Stalder. In July, Eldon Russell, Michele Veltrop, Kevin Slater, and Ken and Natalie Helmick are due. No new members were reported for May.

Fireworks Stand- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that fireworks had been ordered from Mike's again and several new items would be available this year. Setup was scheduled for Sunday, June 22nd in his garage with a member social. The stand will be open from June 25-July 4 and a work schedule was passed out for everyone to sign up for.

July 4th Events: Mud Volleyball (Kari-chair)- Kari reported that tank tops had been ordered and a couple of teams had already signed up. The event begins at 8 a.m. Greased Pig (Danny- chair)- Danny reported that this event will be at 3 p.m. and he will need at least two people to help out. Kid's Games (Crys- chair)- Crys reported that this event will begin at 4 p.m. and she will need two or three people to help her out with the games.

New Business

Region Meeting- Eldon-chair: Eldon reported that the 2nd Triad Region Meeting will be in Humboldt on Saturday, August 23rd. The meeting wil be at the Community Action Center from 3-6 p.m. followed by a BBQ at Kirkkman's. We will be charging other chapters: $2.00 (Meeting only) or $5.00 (Meeting and bbq). Humboldt members can attend for free. Eldon and Brian are going to try to get some fun training set up for this meeting. If you want to learn more about Jaycees attending this meeting will give you just that.

Moonlight Golf- Vicki- chair Moonlight Golf will be held on Saturday, August 23rd, the same day as the Region Meeting. We set this date to be inconjunction with the Region Meeting so other Jaycees could attend. Setup will begin at 7:30 p.m. and the event starts at 9 p.m.

SE Region Casino Night- A Southeast Jaycees Region Social has been set for Saturday, July 26 at Sac 'n' Fox Casino. All Jaycees in the region and state have been invited to have fun. The fun begins at 6:30 p.m. with a dinner buffet and then it's casino time. Anyone needing a ride down can contact Eldon.

Russ Sandberg Memorial- We decided that we would give a memorial of $50.00 in Memory of Russ Sandberg, the 2002 Nebraska Jaycees State President that recently lost his battle to leukemia. We will give our memorial to the Jaycee Scholarship Fund.

With no other business the Jaycee Creed was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell