Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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June 2002 Newsletter

May 6, 2002 minutes

President David called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with the following members present: David, Eldon, Vicki, Jodi, Michele, Terry, Sus, and Matt. Crys arrived at 7:35 p.m. Our DD, Brian Nichols, was a guest. The April minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business:

Tractor Pull/ATV Pull- David- chair: The Tractor Pull was on the top of the agenda again. We will have 7 farm classes and 1 semi class that will compete after the Northwest Missouri Tractor Pullers Association show. The St. Mary's youth group will help at the gates for the Tractor Pull on Friday night and the Summer Ball Association are helping at the gates at the ATV Pull Saturday night. David said he would call for bleechers. The Boy Scouts are going to be asked about picking up aluminum cans after the two events. We still need a trailer to make the food in for the concession stand. We're going to contact the Music Parents to see if one of the stands they use at the fair could be made available to us. We also need a generator so that we have electricity to run roasters and crock pots. If anyone has a generator please contact Michele or Eldon. Also contact them if you have an idea about a trailer we could use. We will contact the fire department once again about renting their tent. Brian said that he would ask the Auburn Jaycees if we could borrow their p.a. system. We set admission at: $6.00 (adults), $3.00 (12 and under), and Free (5 and under). Parking's also still a issue, so there's still several things that need to be addressed before the July 5 and 6 events. Everyone is also reminded to turn your Tractor Pull donations in to Vicki by May 31st.

Pitch, Hit & Run (Diamond Skills)- Vicki- chair: Vicki gave her report on the Pitch, Hit and Run Competition. There were only 6 kids who competed. Jeramiah Lippold and Skylar Ramsey will compete at the state competition.

Trash Pickup- Trash Pickup was held on Sunday, April 28. David, Eldon, Troy and Michele helped.

Scholarship Award- The Board of Directors chose Crystal Ellis as this year's winner of the Scholarship Award.

Moonlight Golf- Michele & Sus- co-chair: The Moonlight Golf dates were discussed: Saturday, May 25 and Saturday, June 22. We will need a chair for the June 22 event, so if you want to chair, let us know at the next meeting. Set-up is 7:30 p.m. at the golf course.

July 4th Events- We will be running the following events on July 4th: Mud Volleyball (Sus- chair) and Kid's Games (Crys- chair). If you want to help with either of these events contact the chairperson.

Fireworks Stand- Eldon- chair: The fireworks have been ordered and the prices remain the same as last year so it should be relatively easy to price everything. The fireworks stand will be held in Eldon's garage at 128 Park Avenue. The first legal date to sell is Tuesday, June 25. Set up will be on Sunday night, June 23 at 6:00 p.m. So that no one has the excuse of missing out because of setting up during the dinner hour, we'll eat before or during setup. Everyone bring a side dish, chips, etc.

New Business

DD Brian Nichols Presentation- Our DD this year, Brian Nichols, was present at the meeting and gave a brief talk to our group. First he presented the Humboldt Area Jacyees with our third place trophy for the State Super Shooters Competition. Brian reminded everyone that State Convention will be in Lincoln Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2. Brian also spoke to us about trying to keep a positive attitude. Some of our members are starting to get a little burned out because it seems that there are between four to five of us that do everything. He says if you're burned out, take a little break, don't just give it up altogether. If we're working on projects that are too big for our little chapter to handle, we need to give them up until we can get more active members. Brian said if there's anything we ever need help with, just contact him and he'll try to help us out. The most important thing is to stay positive.

Melanie Stauffer Donation- We agreed to give Melanie Stauffer a $50.00 donation for the basketball tournament in Hawaii that she will be participating in this summer.

Tour of Homes- We discussed trying to put on a Tour of Homes for the holiday season this year. We will need to find some people in the community to volunteer their homes for this project. The admission would be $5.00 or $10.00. We'll discuss this project further in September and October when we get closer to the holidays.

With no other business, David adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell