Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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June 2003 Newsletter

May 5, 2003 minutes

President Michele called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with the following members present: Michele, Eldon, Vicki, and Kari. David and Ana arrived at 7:05 p.m. The April minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Kari made a motion to accept the minutes and Vicki made the second. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business:

T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported the Humboldt Area Jaycees sweatshirts, polos and t-shirts have been purchased and delivered to the members that ordered. There are 5 extra t-shirts in inventory. No sales of the Humboldt Nebraska T-Shirts were made this month. The shirts will be made available at the Fireworks Stand during the July 4th holiday and also during the Fair if they are still available.

Insurance Policy- Leech Insurance Agency is looking into three different insurance policies for us. We gave Vicki the go ahead to purchase the best insurance policy once the quotes were in.

Tractor Pull- David- chair: Vicki reported that we received $725.00 in donations in the month of April bringing the total number of donations to $1,345.00 to date. David reported that the lights and sound system have been ordered. We will be getting the sound system from Jim Hill's in Falls City this year. The event is set for Friday, June 27, east of Humboldt Specialty. There will be a lot of work involved in getting things ready, so if you want to help with setup, contact David so that you know when the work nights will be in June.

Car Show- Chris- chair: We need to contact Terry to see if he will help chair this event during the Fair. We have the ballfield reserved for this event on the Saturday during the Fair. Should be a fun event.

Trash Pickup: Adopt a Highway Trash Pickup was held on Sunday, May 4th. Members helping were: Vicki, Michele, Eldon, and RD Brian Nichols.

Pitch, Hit & Run- Crys- chair: The Pitch, Hit and Run Competition was held on Sunday, April 13. The number of competitors was down. Only eight youths competed this year, which meant everyone won a trophy that competed.

Scholarship Award: The Board of Directors met before the GMM and chose Angelyn Frank as this year's scholarship award recipient. The award will be given away during the HTRS Graduation ceremony.

Curb Painting- We decided to definitely doing Curb Painting this year. We charge $5.00 per number. We set the date of Tuesday, August 12th at 6:00 p.m. to do this project.

Renewals/New Members: Michele reported that we have one renewal in May: Tina Gerdes and five renewals in June: Terry Gilbert, Andrea Streit, Crys Lippold, and Aaron and Sus Stalder. We need to start recruiting and get some new members. Any suggestions on what we need to do recruiting wise would be much appreciated.

Fireworks Stand- Eldon- chair Eldon reported that fireworks will be purchased from Mike's again. He set Sunday, June 22nd as setup for the stand. The stand will be in Eldon's garage again. Setup for the stand will be at 6:00 p.m. There will be a potluck dinner at Eldon's that night as well. We'll eat as we set up the stand as we did last year. Everyone is requested to bring something for the dinner. The stand will run from June 25-July 4. A work schedule will be made available at the next meeting.

July 4th Events- The events scheduled for July 4th are: Mud Volleyball (Kari- chair), Greased Pig (Danny- chair), and Kid's Games (Crys- chair). If you're interested in helping with these events contact the chairpeople. Plenty of help will be needed at each event.

New Business

Holiday Flags- The month of June is our month to put up the American flags around town. The only day in June is June 14th, Flag Day. David has volunteered to drive the firetruck. He will need 1 or 2 volunteers to help him. The key needs to be picked up the day before from the City for the Auditorium where the flags are stored. Those volunteering need to meet outside of the auditorium at 7:30 a.m. on June 14.

With no other business the Jaycee Creed was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell