Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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March 2003 Newsletter

February 3, 2003 minutes

President Michele called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Michele, Eldon, David, Terry, Vicki, Ana, and Chris. The January minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business:

T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the Humboldt, NE T-shirt sales have had no further progress since the last meeting. Eldon and Michele had discussed purchasing more Humboldt Area Jaycee shirts, they were going to add sweatshirt and polos to the order for any members interested, they will need to be purchased by the members. Any member that wants a sweatshirt or polo will need to contact Eldon by March 17. The cost for t-shirts are $10.00 and sweatshirts and polos are $13.50. The sweatshirts and polos will be special ordered only, extra t-shirts will be purchased to complete the 12 shirt minimum order.

Insurance Policy- Eldon had bad news on the insurance policy. The first quote has come back in for complete coverage on our events, $8,000. He had requested that Ron Kostecka go back and get quotes on Tractor Pull and Fireworks only.

Snowman Contest- It was decided to table the Snowman Contest for this year. The weather hasn't really cooperated with getting this organized.

Jaycee Week- Eldon-chair: Eldon reported that approximately 25-30 people attended the Jaycee Week Chamber Coffee. Providing cookies for the event were: Vicki, Michele, Kari, Sus, and Eldon. Attending were: Crys, Michele, Kari, Eldon, Vicki, and Chris. A social was held at Valentino's for Jaycee Week with the following members attending: Ana, Crys, Chris, Michele, Steve, Kari, and Eldon. A movie party followed at Eldon's with Chris and Ana attending.

Super Shooters- Eldon- chair The 2003 Super Shooters Competition was held on Saturday, February 1 at the Humboldt School gym with 29 participants. This was the best turnout of participants in the past several years. Helping with the event were: Eldon, Vicki, Michele, Kari, RD Brian "Bon" Nichols and Auburn Jaycee Rhonda Mueller.

Prospective New Members- One new member was signed up in January: Chris Alder. Several names were discussed who still need to be contacted about joining. Our membership now stands at 31 but we have one age out and a few paper members that we risk losing in the next few months, so let's get out and recruit.

Tractor Pull- David- chair: David reported that the date June 27 has been confirmed with the Northwest Missouri Tractor Pullers Association. Michele stated that the land behind Humboldt Specialty could be used for the Pull. We also discussed building a concession stand building between now and then. It was also discussed when collecting donations this year to ask grocery stores for donations of hamburger and hot dogs and pop instead of a cash donation.

Pancake Feed- Michele- chair: The date of the Pancake Feed was changed to Sunday, March 2 at the Community Action Center. We will serve from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. We will do setup of tables and get the kitchen ready on Saturday night (ask Michele for time) and Sunday morning set up will be at 7 a.m.

New Business

Convention Expenses: The Board of Directors had decided at the January meeting to help pay the expenses of board members attending convention. We needed to set an amount. Vicki made the motion to pay $50 in expenses to each member attending with a second made by David. Motion was carried.

Cellphone Tower Petition: Eldon discussed that a Cellphone Tower Petition was being started in Humboldt and that he was approached to see if the Jaycees would sponsor it. It was mentioned that a possible tower was going to be built soon so we decided to table this for now until confirmation of this tower is made.

Spaghetti Feed- Michele- chair It was decided to set the date of Thursday, March 27 for the Spaghetti Feed. The Feed will be held at the Community Action Center. Setup will be at 3:30 p.m. on that afternoon.

Progressive Dinner: One of our most popular member socials is the Progressive Dinner and it will be held on Saturday, March 29. The following schedule of stops has been scheduled. If anyone else wants to be added to the list of stops, contact Eldon by meeting time so that he can add you to the list: 1. Vicki- dessert; 2. Ana- Spanish omlet ; 3. Crys- appetizers; 4. Terry- vegetable; 5. Eldon- meat.

Eldon's Report On L.O.T.S.: Eldon reported briefly on attending State L.O.T.S. and Region L.O.T.S. He passed out handouts that he brought back. He also announced that he would be one of the D.D.'s this year. Another D.D. is still needed. He just encouraged everyone to take advantage of everything that the Jaycees had to offer and to be active in the year 2003.

Car Show- Chris- chair: Our newest member, Chris Alder, approached the group about us sponsoring a Car Show. We discussed that Fair time would be the perfect time to sponsor this event. We suggested that Chris attend a Chamber Board meeting and see what their thoughts were of a adding a Car Show to Fair Enhancement.

With no other business the Jaycee Creed was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell