Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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May 2003 Newsletter

April 7, 2003 minutes

Eldon led the meeting in Michele's absence. He called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with the following members present: Michele, Eldon, Vicki, Ana, Kari, Danny, Steve, and Crys. David arrived at 7:15 p.m. The March minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business:

T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that one Humboldt, NE T-shirt was sold during the past month. He also reported that he would be ordering the Humboldt Area Jaycee t-shirts, sweatshirts, and polos in the next week and orders needed to be turned in to him at the end of the meeting.

Insurance Policy- Leech Insurance Agency had been contacted to get a quote on a full insurance policy again. After looking into individual insurance policies for Tractor Pull and Fireworks, there wasn't much savings from the original quote for a full policy. A special board meeting will be called once the quotes are in and insurance will finally be purchased.

Pancake Feed- Michele- chair: The final report on the Pancake Feed was that a profit of $42.53 was made.

Spaghetti Feed- Michele- chair The Spaghetti Feed turned out very well. The profit was $130.74. Helping with the event were: Vicki, Crys, Terry, Eldon, Ana, and Kari.

Progressive Dinner: Attending the Progressive Dinner were Eldon, Vicki and Terry. This was kind of poor attendance by our group for a social. Guests for the night were: RD Brian Nichols, DD Lynette Prouty, State President Deb Ventris and her assistant Geneva Broomfield.

Tractor Pull- David- chair: Vicki handed out the packets to members to start collecting donations. She also reported that $870.00 had been received in the mail for donations so far. The radio advertising will stay the same this year, $1,000. The event will take place on Friday, June 27, so mark your calendars for this date and please help with this event, it takes a lot of manpower to make it a success.

Car Show- Chris- chair: Eldon reported that he attended the City Council meeting and got approval for the Car Show on the Humboldt ballfields for the Saturday of the fair.

Trash Pickup: Everyone was reminded that the Adopt-a-Highway Project is set for Sunday, May 4th at 1:00 p.m. We will meet at Fred Cash's farm, Michele's dad. We will then pickup rash for two miles south of town. Eldon also gave the warning to be careful when picking up beer bottles along the highway, bottles are being used by meth dealers. David said he would bring rubber gloves to help prevent the danger involved.

Pitch, Hit & Run- Crys- chair:Final plans were made for the Pitch, Hit and Run Competition. The date of Sunday, April 13 was set for this event. State competition will be in Columbus on May 24th.

Scholarship Award: The Board of Directors will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 5th to choose this year's scholarship winner. Vicki reported that six applications had been turned in so far.

Renewals/New Members: There is one renewal for the month of April, David Rieger. Unfortunately no new members were signed during the last month. If you know of someone between the ages of 21-39, invite them to the next meeting. We need the new members. Remember new members bring more manpower and most importantly new ideas.

New Business

Curb Painting- We decided that we do the Curb Painting project again, but couldn't decide on a date. We will make a decision on this project at the next meeting.

July 4th Events- We decided to sponsor the following events for July 4th: Fireworks Stand (Eldon- chair), Mud Volleyball (Kari- chair), Kid's Games (Crys- chair), and Greased Pig Danny- chair). A full day of fun events. Each event will require manpower, so please help with one or more of the events.

Jay Snethen Memorial- We discussed what we would like to do as a group as a memorial for Jay Snethen. We decided that we would present an additional scholarship that would be in memory of Jay. Jay did a lot of work for this organizaiton through the years, including help start the group, so this is the very least that we can do in his memory.

With no other business the Jaycee Creed was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell