Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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November 2002 Newsletter

October 7, 2002 minutes

President David called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: David, Eldon, Michele, Vicki, Dennis, Crys, Kari, and Ana. Leah arrived at 7:15 p.m., Sus at 7:30 p.m., and Steve at 7:40 p.m. The September minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Vicki gave her treasurer's report.

Old Business:

Punt, Pass & Kick- David- chair: The Punt, Pass and Kick Competition was held on Saturday, September 21. There were 14 youths that competed. David and Vicki helped run this event.

ATV Pull- David- chair: The second ATV Pull was held on the Thursday night of the Fair. This pull wasn't very well attended. We did have a good showing of members at the event. Members present were: David, Vicki, Michele, Eldon, Steve, Kari, Kelly, Ana, and Terry. Tim and Rhonda Mueller from the Auburn Jaycees also came down to help us out. Helping with the setup earlier in the week were David, Vicki, Crys, and Dennis. Ana had her first experience of an ATV Pull and was also given the opportunity to pull.

Concession Stands: ATV Pull/Team Penning- Eldon & Michele- co-chair: Concession Stands were held at both the ATV Pull and Team Penning Competition. Unfortunately the Horse Show scheduled was cancelled so they had some leftover food, but all of it was purchased. The total profit between the ATV Pull and the Concession Stands was $37.00.

Fair Float- Michele- chair: The Fair Float came in second place at the Richardson County Fair. Helping work on the float were Michele, Eldon and Kevin. Steve was also a big help when needed to transport the float from Vicki's house to CMS.

Cutest Baby Contest- Natalie- chair: The Cutest Baby Contest was very profitable for the Jaycees once again. We made a $850.00 profit. Helping in the stand were: Ken, Natalie, Leah, David, Vicki, and Eldon.

Humboldt, NE T-Shirts- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the T-shirt sales fundraiser had started off pretty slow. He was going to advertise twice in the Humboldt Standard and put fliers around town. He handed out order forms to everyone at the meeting. The costs for the shirts will be $15.00 (S, M, L, XL) or $18.00 (XXL or XXXL). The sales on the shirts will stop on Friday, November 15. All orders and payments need to be turned into Eldon by Monday, November 18, that's when the order will be placed. The shirts should be ready for delivery by the first week in December.

Chapter Visitation- Eldon said that he was planning a Chapter Meeting Visitation at Auburn on Tuesday, November 5. Their meetings are held at the Eagles Club at 7:30 p.m. He volunteered to drive his van for anyone who wants to go. Other opportunities for visitations discussed were Haunted Houses at Lincoln and Waverly, and also the Benefit Golf Tournament for State President Russ Sandberg that was going to be held in Louisville.

Region Social- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported on the Region Social held at Kirkmans' Cove on Sunday, October 6. We met the incentive that Jeff Domino made with us at the beginning of the triad to grow by at least one member per month so he came down and hosted a cookout for us. Attending were: Eldon, Vicki, Michele, Crys, DD Brian Nichols, and Auburn Jaycees Tim and Rhonda Mueller. After we were done eating, Jeff and Brian presented our Region and District Awards.

Chili Feed- Michele- chair: Final plans were made for the Chili Feed to be held on Tuesday, October 15 during the HTRS Volleyball Triangular.

Trash Pickup- Trash Pickup was held on Sunday, October 6. The following members helped: Vicki, Michele, Eldon, Aaron and Sus.

Insurance Policy- We decided to shop around for some new insurance before renewing our current policy. Our insurance is going up by almost $900. If we can't find a better policy, we may just have to purchase insurance on our bigger events like July 4th and Tractor Pull individually.

New Members- We have one new member in the Humboldt Area Jaycees: Ana Suarez-Fernandez. Welcome to the Humboldt Area Jaycees, Ana.

New Business

Convention Report- Eldon gave his report on the 2nd Triad Convention held in Gering. He said that he had taken Management training as well as some other training courses. We did very well with awards at convention and he handed out the remainder of the awards to the people that weren't present at the Region Social. The next convention will be held in Lincoln during the weekend of February 7-8. He encouraged everyone to mark that weekend on their calendars and to try to attend convention when it's a little closer to home.

Kid's Games At Halloween Party- Eldon & Crys- co-chair: Eldon said that Kid's Games, that were rained out on July 4th, had been rescheduled to be during the Chamber's Children's Halloween Party on Sunday, October 27. He and Crys picked out prizes and decided what kind of games to be played.

Bingo- The Board of Directors had decided in January to pursue hosting Bingo starting this fall. David said he would check with the fire department on what they do for Bingo during the Fair and Eldon would do some research of how Bingo had been done in the past here in Humboldt.

Bowling Fun Night- We will be heading down to Seneca on Friday, November 8 for our next fun night. We'll meet at Freddy's Pizza at 7:00 p.m. and then it's off to the bowling alley.

Officer Nominations- The following members were nominated for the 2003 Board of Directors: President- Michele Veltrop, Kari Blecha, and Terry Gilbert; Management VP- Michele Veltrop; Membership VP- Sus Stalder; Treasurer- Vicki Behrends; Secretary- Eldon Russell; Directors- Crys Lippold, Dennis Ball, Aaron Stalder, and Leah Reyes. Elections will be during the November meeting.

With no other business, David led us in the Jaycee Creed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell