Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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October 2002 Newsletter

September 3, 2002 minutes

President David called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: David, Eldon, Michele, Steve, Vicki, and Brooke. Dennis arrived at 7:20 p.m. and Crys at 7:26 p.m. Guests were RD Jeff Domino, Ana Suarez-Fernandez, Leah Reyes, and Kelly Joy. The August minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. Vicki gave her treasurer's report.

Old Business:

Land Purchase- David reported that our plans to purchase land for events like the Tractor Pull and ATV Pull is pretty much a dead issue right now. Unfortunately the owners of the property that we want to purchase will not negotiate on the selling price.

T-Shirts- Eldon & Michele- co-chair: Eldon handed out the new "Humboldt Area Jaycees" T-shirts that he and Michele ordered at Stripes and Signs. They ordered 24 of them and they cost approximately $8.90 each. It was decided that we would leave it up to the individual member on whether or not they want to make a donation to help pay for the shirts. We do request that all members wear these shirts at events.

Eldon also discussed doing a fundraiser to sell shirts that say "Humboldt, NE- The Heartbeat of the Heartland" on them. We decided to take orders for these shirts during the Fair and continue the fundraiser through November 15. Delivery date will be December 1. The costs for the shirts will be $15.00 (S, M, L, XL) or $18.00 (XXL or XXXL). These shirts will also be purchased at Stripes and Signs.

ATV Pull- David- chair Final plans were made for the ATV Pull to be held on Thursday night of the fair. Duffer's Repair and Supply would be putting on this event again.

Fair Float- Michele- chair: Michele reported that she was going to use a Hayrack for the float and was purchasing patriot items to put on the float.

Cutest Baby Contest- Natalie- chair: Natalie wasn't present at the meeting but it was reported 9 babies had been entered as of the date of the meeting. David said that he would be sharing a booth with us so we would only have to pay for half of the booth.

Concession Stands- Michele & Eldon- co-chair: It was announced that two concession stands would be run at the Fair. First for the ATV Pull on Thursday night and again on Saturday for the Horse Show/Cattle Team Penning Competition. Michele and Eldon would be in charge of concessions again.

Chapter Visitation- Eldon reported that he visited Auburn twice in August, for their Bingo Stand and for the Karaoke Street Dance. He also mentioned that Nebraska City may need help during Apple Jack Festival during the weekend of September 21 if anyone wanted a Chapter Visitation opportunity. Eldon also said that he still wants to do chapter visitations to other chapter general member meetings.

Region Meeting- Eldon & Michele- co-chair: Eldon reported that the Region meeting went very well. There were 21 total people at the meeting. The Humboldt Jaycees present were: Eldon, Michele, Ken, and Natalie. Region Director Jeff "Dominator" Domino led the meeting. The special speaker was former State President Mike Neill who gave a very motivational speech. Other state officers present were Brian Kavannah, LPA President; Julie Kayl, Blue Chip and Governorship Program Manager; and Marci Craig, SE District Director. Jaycees from Auburn, Waverly, Nebraska City, and Falls City were in attendance. A social followed afterwards at Kirkman's Cove.

Jaycee Barbecue- Aaron & Sus- chair: The Jaycee Summer Barbecue was held at Aaron and Sus' home on Saturday, August 10. The following members were in attendance: David, Eldon, Ken and Natalie, Crys, and of course, Aaron and Sus. It was a fun evening of socializing.

New Members- We have three new members in the Humboldt Area Jaycees: Carson Antholz, Leah Reyes, and Kelly Joy. Leah and Kelly joined after this meeting. HTRS' new Spanish teacher, Ana Suarez-Fernandez was also present at the meeting and is considering joining our group. Jeff gave us a few incentives for anyone who signs new members: 1 Member- Koozie, a Husker mixer glass, and 1 hour of "The Dominator's" time at a project; 3 Members- Region shirt; 5 Members- Region Polo; over 5 members- a BIG bear hug from your RD and something really special.

Punt, Pass & Kick- David- chair Final plans were made for the Punt, Pass and Kick Competition to be held at Power Field on PSaturday, September 21. This competition is for boys and girls ages 7-14. State competition is October 12 in Ralston.

Chili Feed- Michele- chair: Michele, "our gourmet chef", volunteered to chair the Chili Feed. We decided to hold this during a football game but since the meeting a conflict came up and it has been changed to the volleyball game on Tuesday, October 15. We'll see if we can use the school cafeteria. Serving will begin at 5:00. Michele will announce at the October meeting what time she wants to setup.

New Business

Jaycees Brochures- Eldon presented some new Jaycee brochures that he made up to use for recruiting. He took ideas from both the Auburn and Nebraska City Jaycee brochures to use for us. We will have these brochures present at all of our future events. If you want some brochures for recruiting, contact Eldon.

Insurance Policy- Vicki discussed that our insurance policy was due in October. We discussed what to do since we are low on funds right now. Jeff spoke briefly to us with some suggestions. He suggested that we see what insurance would cost per event rather than buying a insurance policy for the entire year. We also discussed shopping around with other insurance agents to see what they could do for us. We probably won't take any action until spring. All of the big events requiring insurance are finished for the year.

Trash Pickup- We decided to schedule Trash Pickup on Highway 105 for Sunday, October 6. Michele said we could meet at her dad's farm, Fred Cash, and then begin the fun job of cleaning up the highway.

Region Social- Eldon- chair: Eldon will be chairing a Region Social that will be located at Kirkman's Cove on Sunday, October 6. "The Dominator" had made an incentive to us at the beginning of the triad that if we gained one new member a month this triad that he would put on a cookout for us. Since he was at the meeting we finalized plans for the social. Other Jaycee chapters from the region will be invited down to help us celebrate our growth. We are currently at 29 members. We only need one more member to reach our ACS. Let's recruit one member between now and October 6 so that we can really celebrate. The social will begin on October 6 at 4:00 p.m. and we'll eat between 5:30 and 6:00. Bring a side dish and your own beverages. During the social Jeff will present the Region awards we won at State Convention and Brian Nichols will present the District awards. In case of inclement weather, we'll meet at Eldon's house.

Award Submissions For Convention- Eldon briefly discussed that Award Submissions needed to be turned in for State Convention to be held in Gering during the weekend of September 20-22. The BODs had all been given award submission forms to be filled out.

Other Business

HTRS Seniors Patriotic Project- Vicki mentioned that the HTRS senior class is planning an avenue of flags for the sidewalks in front of the high school building. They are asking business owners, individuals, and organizations to help out and purchase a flag. We decided to commit to at least one flag.

Holiday Flags- Vicki also mentioned that she had been approached to see if the Jaycees would want to help put up flags around town during the months of December and May. These two months need volunteers to help put up flags. We agreed to help out.

With no other business, David adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell