Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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September 2002 Newsletter

August 5, 2002 minutes

President David called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with the following members present: David, Eldon, Michele, Steve, Terry, Sus, Vicki, Crys, Kevin, Ken, Natalie, and Dennis. The July minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter.

Old Business:

Tractor Pull/ATV Pull- David- chair: The report on the Tractor Pull/ATV Pull was very, very positive. This year we made a $1,530.11 profit. The Northwest Missouri Tractors Pullers Association put on a great show and put nearly 1,000 spectators in the stands. Michele and Eldon reported that they ran out of food in the concession stand at the Tractor Pull and Eldon had to purchase more food for the ATV Pull. We had a lot of outside help this year including help from the Falls City Jaycees, Nebraska City Jaycees and several state officers. We also discussed the possibility of purchasing land for future Tractor Pulls with a matching fund grant from the Humboldt Community Foundation.

July 4th Events- Reports were given on the July 4th events. Sus said that Mud Volleyball was very successful and we made a $250.00 profit. Kid's Games was rained out so we discussed an alternate date for this event since we have over $100.00 worth of prizes to give out. Saturday of the Fair or Saturday, October 26 during the Chamber Halloween Party were dates discussed. The Halloween Party is the more likely of the two dates.

Fireworks Stand: Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the Fireworks sales were really low this year. There was a lot of inventory left over mostly because of how dry it was during the July 4th holiday. People just weren't purchasing fireworks because of the dry conditions. Eldon said he planned on keeping the inventory that couldn't be returned and sell it next year. The following people helped work the stand: Vicki, Michele, Jodi, Matt, Crys, Sus, and Kari.

T-Shirts- Eldon and Michele- co-chair: Eldon reported on what the costs will be for T-shirts for our chapter. We will be purchasing them from Stripes and Signs in Falls City. It was decided to get red shirts and the Jaycee logo would be put on the front of the shirt. Eldon and Michele will go to Falls City and pick out the shirts. These shirts will be given to active members who helped with the Tractor Pull or who have worked at three recent events. Everyone is requested to wear these shirts when you help with or attend a Jaycee event.

Chapter Visitation- The Jaycees have been busy attending other chapter projects this summer. The following members have helped at these projects: Nebraska City Ballgame Concessions- Eldon; Falls City Tractor Pull- Eldon, Michele and David; Auburn Bingo- Eldon; and Falls City ATV Pull- Eldon. The next Chapter Visitation project is the Karaoke Street Dance in Auburn on August 31. We are still planning to do chapter visitation at other chapter meetings. We will probably start this in October.

Region Meeting- Eldon & Michele- co-chair: Final plans were made for the Region Meeting that would be held in Humboldt on Saturday, August 24. Eldon and Michele were handling the arrangements. Region Director Jeff Domino is in charge of the meeting. All officers were requested to be at this meeting.

Jaycee Barbecue- Aaron & Sus- chair: Final plans were made for the Jaycee Barbecue to be held at Aaron and Sus Stalder's home on Saturday, August 10.

New Members- We've had four new members join the Humboldt Area Jaycees in the months of July and August: Ken and Natalie Helmick, Brooke White, and Dennis Ball. We thank these new members for joining.

New Business

ATV Pull- David- chair: We will be putting on another ATV Pull during the Richardson County Fair with the help of Duffer's Repair and Supply. This pull will take place at the Fairgrounds Horse Arena. The Pull will take place on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. Michele and Eldon will take care of concessions again. We are also doing concessions during the Horse Show and Cattle Team Penning on Saturday of the Fair.

Fair Float- Michele- chair: We will be doing a Fair Float again this year. Last year we won first prize for the nonprofit organizations. The theme for the fair is "A Time To Remember". Michele will be in charge of the float. She'll contact everyone at a later time for help with preparing the float.

Cutest Baby Contest- Natalie- chair: The Cutest Baby Contest will be featured at the Fair. The contest is for babies 0-24 months. Entry fee is $1.00 and the pictures need to be turned in by September 3. If you know of a cute baby that needs to be entered, make sure to tell their parents to get the picture, their names, address and phone number to us by Tuesday, September 3.

Punt, Pass & Kick- David- chair: The Punt, Pass and Kick Competition will be held at Power Field on Saturday, September 21. Set-up will be at 11:15 a.m., registration begins at 12:15 p.m. and the competition will begin at 1:00 p.m. This competition is for ages 7-14.

September Meeting Change- The September Meeting night will be changed to Tuesday, September 3 since our regular meeting night is Labor Day.

Chili Feed- We discussed the Chili Feed that we decided to do several months ago. We changed the date to Friday, October 18. We need a chair for this event, so if you want a project to chair, be ready to volunteer at the next meeting.

Thank-You- The last item discussed was a thank-you note received from Danielle Blecha for sponsoring her at the Nebraska Leadership seminar.

With no other business, David adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2002

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell