Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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Super Shooters Winners 2001

February 2001

Pictured: L-R: Macy Kuker (8-9, 3rd place winner), Garrett Borcher (6-7, 1st place winner) and Cody Dreier (8-9, 2nd place winner). Since some of the competitors competed early because of a basketball league, only three of the winners were present for the picture.

The Humboldt Area Jaycees Super Shooters Competition was held on Sunday, February 18 at the H.H.S. gym. The basketball skills contest attracted 30 total participants, all hoping to win that first place trophy in their age division.

Four age divisions contended. In the 6-7 division, five strove for the awards; 8-9, eight competed; 10-11, eleven competed; and 12-13, six contended. Because of a basketball league in Kansas, some of the participants vied earlier in the morning, with the main competition being held at 1:00 p.m.

Boys and girls competed together from various spots on the basketball court. Participants had two 60 second rounds with the best of the two used for final scoring.

This gave all of the participants good experience of competing and a chance to show off their basketball skills.

The winners in each division follow:

Age 6-7: 1st- Garrett Borcher; 2nd- Brandon Roe; 3rd- Tate Hanzlicek. Age 8-9: 1st- Lance Hanzlicek; 2nd- Cody Dreier; 3rd- Macy Kuker. Age 10-11: 1st- Marshall Joy; 2nd- Chris Merritt; 3rd- Kali Schnacker. Age 12-13: 1st- Spenser Joy; 2nd- Ben Jafari; 3rd- Logan Hanzlicek.

All of the contestants received participation certificates and the top three places received trophies.

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2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell