Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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2nd Triad Convention Page 3

S.E. Awards
Lynette is pictured receiving the award for being 6th in the Parade of Districts.
RD Brian Nichols is pictured receiving the award for being 3rd in the Parade of Regions.

Lisa Gebers is pictured receiving an Outstanding President award for Waverly.
Laura Steinman is pictured receiving a competitor award.
Tom Nun is pictured receiving an Outstanding Community VP award.
Nebraska City is pictured receiving an award for their Summer Youth Ball Program.
Dave Moore is pictured receiving an award for Waverly.
Waverly is pictured receiving an award for being 4th in the Parade of Chapters.

Page 1: SE Region Meeting
Page 2: Senatorships

Page 3: S.E. Awards
Page 4: Fun At The Awards Ceremony

2003 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell