Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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In Memory Of
Jay Snethen

December 11, 1962-March 31, 2003
Jay is pictured at the Nebraska Farmers Choice Grand Opening in 2001. Jay and other area pork producers formed this company to sell high quality pork products.

Jay H. Snethen - What can be said in words? When Jay talked - people listened. A man of few words -but they were important ones. He led by example, and when things got tough - Jay got tougher. He always greeted you with a great big smile and either a handshake or a big bear hug. Jay did not know strangers.

Everyone deserves a chance - and Jay always made sure they got one. This was evident when he served as Jaycee President. Two cold nights in January, Jay led the recruiting groups out into the community of Humboldt and got 10 new members signed up. Yes it was tough, but we made ACS for that year because of his efforts.

Jay loved to have fun. Who could forget all the hayrack rides from Jay & Kris`s house to the Miles Ranch beach or Peaceful Valley? Do you all remember when the Beatrice JC`s taught Jay how to drink a beer with a pair of pliers? And who could forget burning your hands trying to make Jiffy Pop popcorn over an open fire? And how about the Halloween dance? His “one night stand” costume was the greatest. Bowling took on a new curve with his left hook. He made the ball dance down the lanes and always had very good scores. The kids loved Jay on July 4th with the greased pig contest. He loved to watch them smile when they successfully caught that pig. Those were the times.

Jay also loved to help the community. He not only gave of his time to the JC`s, but to many other groups as well. He always stressed that a being a volunteer helped make you a well-rounded person. But he also made sure that volunteering did not cut too much into his family time. Jay was a master at time management. I wish I could be half as efficient as him. He always made sure that things “just got done.”

I could go on and on about the many things that Jay did. He was a great man and will be very much missed by all. We all had a good time when Jay & Kris were around. They made you smile even when you didn`t feel like it. They lead by example, one that we all should follow. Make time for the small stuff, cause it will ultimately make the memories that you cherish the most.

Vicki Behrends

Jay and Kris were honored last December at the Humboldt Area Jaycees Annual Christmas Party with a plaque that simply stated: In Appreciation To Jay & Kris Snethen: Thank You For All Your Years of Dedication and Service To The Humboldt Area Jaycees. We Appreciate Your Loyalty and Friendship.
Page 2: Jay Snethen Memorial Page 1
Page 3: Jay Snethen Memorial Page 2

2003 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell